
Travel, adventures, literature, environment… Jesse’s freelance stories and photographs have followed the trail of the first women to reach Antarctica, camel journeys in the Tunisian Sahara, humpback whale researchers in Queensland - and plenty in between. She won the Guy Morrison Prize for Literary Journalism for her essay The First Woman and the Last Dog in Antarctica and she’s been published in Australian Geographic, Womankind, Outback, Wellbeing, Goodreading and others. Check out some examples below.

magazine pages

Heroines of the ice (Australian Geographic) - the first women to reach Antartica

Still hung up on Telstra (Sydney Morning Herald) - Telstra is like an old boyfriend…

Dances with Whales (The Australian) - one week on a humpback whale research vessel in Hervey Bay

Close encounters of the bird kind (Womankind) - remote seabird researcher Julie McInness

Frame thy fearful symmetry (Womankind) - wildlife photographer Jan Latta

Desert Vigil (Wellbeing) - adventures on camel-back in Tunisia

Buzzing with Books (Goodreading) - despatches from the Edinburgh Book Festival

© Jesse Blackadder 2019